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Sani-t 385 replacement filter

Sani-t 385 replacement filter

Regular price $19.99 USD
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San-385-rf •replacement filter for sani-t breeze air purifier sani-t breeze air purifier – pro (model no. san-385) •4-in-1 filter combo: integrates the pre-filter, nano silver antibacterial coating, hepa h13 and activated carbon into one powerful filter •effectively traps airborne contaminants like dust, smoke (from cooking, cigarettes, wildfires etc.), and common allergens like pollen/pet dander •long-lasting filter for 3,000 hours of use under normal conditions •filter life depends on frequency of use and environmental cleanliness: (e.g., if the unit is set in a small poker room with four smokers or set in a restaurant back kitchen comparing to a normal clean living room, the filter life would be much different)

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